US State Department outlines pressing threats to global human rights

The U.S. State Department on Monday released its annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, outlining Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the civil war in Sudan and the Israel-Hamas war as just some of the major global human rights concerns.

“In compiling these … [reports] we have drawn from a variety of credible, fact-based sources, including reporting from government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and media,” said Secretary of State Antony Blinken in an online statement.

The year covered by the reports, 2023, coincided with the 75th anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The reports are based on internationally recognized human rights outlined in the declaration, among other agreements.

In the reports’ preface, Blinken first outlined Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a significant breach of human rights. “The Kremlin’s disregard and contempt for human rights are on full display,” he said, referencing its use of violence on citizens as a “tool of warfare.”

He also discussed the civil war in Sudan as a significant threat to human rights, adding that both parties in the conflict “have unleashed horrific violence, death, and destruction.”

The Israel-Hamas conflict also raises “deeply troubling concerns for human rights,” Blinken said. He added that the U.S. has condemned the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks while urging Israel to minimize civilian harm in its response.

Blinken also discussed Iran’s suppression of its citizens — particularly women — as threats to human rights. He added that the report covers the suppression of women’s rights in Afghanistan under Taliban rule, China’s treatment of its majority-Muslim Uyghur population, and the mistreatment of political prisoners in Cuba.

Despite these human rights abuses, “encouraging developments also can be found in this report,” Blinken said.

Blinken described progress made by Kenya, Japan, Estonia and Slovenia in advancing LGBTQI+ rights, as well as progress made by Jordan to advance the rights of persons with disabilities. He also referenced Mexico’s progress in enacting labor reforms to improve working conditions.

Blinken discussed these developments during a news conference Monday.

“These bright spots are an important reminder that progress on human rights is indeed possible, as long as committed individuals in every part of the globe continue to work to uphold fundamental dignity for all people,” he said.