Attack Kills 1, Damages Kherson City Center in Ukraine

A Russian attack in eastern Ukraine’s Kherson region killed one person, injured two others and damaged buildings in the city center Wednesday, Governor Oleksandr Prokudin said.

“Again an apocalyptic scene,” Prokudin said in a message on the Telegram app. “Broken glass, torn window frames, ruined homes. People with trembling voices telling about what they have been through.”

Earlier Wednesday, Ukraine’s interior minister reported that Russia shelled at least 118 settlements in 10 regions, more than in any other 24-hour period in the past year.

A Russian drone strike reportedly killed another civilian in Nikopol, on the opposite bank of the Dniper River from the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Four other people were wounded in that attack, regional Governor Serhii Lysak said.

Russian missile losses

Britain’s Ministry of Defense said in its latest intelligence update on Ukraine Thursday that Russia has likely lost four long range surface-to-air missile launchers to Ukrainian strikes during the past week.

The ministry says the losses indicate that Russia’s integrated air defense system continues to struggle against modern precision strike weapons.

Ukrainian soldiers on trial

Russia said Wednesday that three more Ukrainian soldiers who fought in the city of Mariupol had been sentenced to prison, as it continued to put soldiers held in captivity on trial.

Around 2,500 people were taken into Russian captivity after the fall of Mariupol last May.

The three soldiers were found guilty of killing eight people in Mariupol, Moscow’s Investigative Committee said.

The committee reported the three “detained and shot civilians seen near their combat positions with automatic weapons,” killing seven civilian men and a woman.

One of the soldiers was sentenced to life in prison, while the others were sentenced to 30 years each.

The decisions came after the same court sentenced three other captured Ukrainian soldiers to life imprisonment Tuesday.

Some information for this report came from The Associated Press and Agence France-Presse.