What Sanctions Have Been Imposed on Niger Since the Coup?

Niger’s regional and Western allies have announced a series of sanctions against the country following the July 26 coup.

Niger is the world’s seventh-biggest producer of uranium, the radioactive metal widely used for nuclear energy and treating cancer.

It is also one of the world’s poorest countries, receiving close to $2 billion a year in development assistance.

According to 2023 budget projections, of Niger’s total budget of $5.53 billion for the fiscal year, more than $2.2 billion, or around 40% of its budget, was expected to come from external partners.

These sanctions have been imposed on Niger since the coup:

West Africa regional bloc

The Economic Community of West African States and the West African Monetary and Economic Union have imposed some of the most stringent sanctions on Niger so far since the coup.

The bloc has suspended all commercial transactions with Niger, frozen its state assets in the regional central bank, frozen assets of the state and state enterprises in commercial banks, and suspended all financial assistance with regional development banks.

The financial sanctions could lead to a default on Niger’s debt repayments.

A planned $51 million bond issuance by Niger in the West African regional debt market was canceled by the regional central bank following the imposition of sanctions. Niger had planned to raise $834 million from the regional debt market in 2023.

The ECOWAS sanctions also meant Nigeria cut the power supply to the country on the 80 megawatt Birnin-Kebbi line, while Ivory Coast suspended imports and exports of Nigerien goods.

West Africa’s regional central bank, the BCEAO, shut down its branches in Niger, citing risks to operations.

European Union

The European Union, one of Niger’s biggest contributors, has suspended its financial support and cooperation on security with Niger.

The EU allocated $554 million from its budget to improve governance, education and sustainable growth in Niger over 2021-2024, according to its website.


France, another major partner of its former colony, suspended development aid and budget support with immediate effect, demanding a prompt return to constitutional order.

French development aid for Niger was around $130 million in 2022 and expected to be slightly higher this year.

France also has around 1,500 troops in Niger. It relied on Niger after it withdrew its counter-insurgency troops from neighboring Mali and Burkina Faso in 2021 and 2022, respectively.


The Dutch government, which was supporting development and security programs in Niger, temporarily suspended its direct cooperation with the government following the coup.

United States

The United States, a major provider of humanitarian and security aid, paused assistance programs to Niger valued at more than $100 million over the military takeover, pressing the junta to reinstate the elected government.

The U.S. has previously warned that the coup could lead to the suspension of all cooperation.

So far in fiscal 2023, it has provided nearly $138 million in humanitarian assistance. There are about 1,100 U.S. troops in Niger, where the U.S. military operates from two bases.


Canada suspended direct development assistance and expressed support for ECOWAS’ mediation efforts for Niger to return to constitutional order.

World Bank

The World Bank suspended disbursements until further notice, except for private-sector partnerships which it said will continue with caution.

Niger has one of the largest World Bank portfolios in Africa, amounting to $4.5 billion, and it has also received $600 million in direct budget support from the bank between 2022 and 2023.
